Thursday, 3 May 2012

Ways Of Life- Writing Dreams

Growing up, I had this feeling that I have an unusual talent that has never run in my family tree. Maybe it’s because of exposure or chances were limited in those days, but still, there is no one picking up this #God's Gift as a way of life.

Some years back, in 1998, I wrote my first latter to Writers Bureau -by then the Company was appearing on our Daily News Papers very often- asking if they can help develop my writing skills. Months later, I received the reply latter from them, Newsletters: Fees structure and testimonies from members. How cool! That was my starting point, yet there was something else holding me back -tuition fee-.

It was a challenge that I knew I wouldn’t manage to escape. However, something within kept my writing vision in focus with hopes that from a distance lay not a dream but a reality. I remember writing this Poem as a reminder!

The New Day!   22 Nov, 1998.

Every dog has his/her new day!
Okay, I keep waiting,
For that day of prosperity,
The wail of distress will be no more,
Only joy beyond measure shall prevail,
Dancing a jig, Celebrations,
 Having the best time in life.


It happens that I wrote this poem on the day I took my first Lungful of oxygen -Birth Day- and as a day I dedicated my mind to pursue my dreams in every means possible. Until now, I do!

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